Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Grandmother

My Grandmother
My grandmother, Cenia Marie Hess has always been  a very important person to me. She has lived in West Virginia for as long as I can remember. In the same house my mother and her brothers and sisters grew up in.  She is probably the strongest woman I have ever known in my life. Most of her life she was beaten and verbally abused by my grandfather who was an alcoholic. When I was 12, her middle son, my Uncle Mike, was shot and killed. That was the only time I ever saw her break down and cry. About 10 years later she had some kidney problems, and had to have one of them removed. In the process she got Gangrene and lost both of her legs. This would be hard for anyone, but even more for my grandmother who still had an outhouse and no indoor plumbing. She had to stay in the hospital while her entire house was remodeled to be safe and easy for her to get around in it. While she was in the hospital, her husband, my grandfather brought his cheating girlfriend of twenty years in to tell her he was leaving her. Now, not only did she have to go home with no legs, but also with no husband. She didn't like anyone to help her once she got home and settled. She did all the housework and cooking herself, and I remember every summer we would go visit when we were younger, she always made the best homemade biscuits and homemade vegetable soup. Anything we wanted, we got if she had it, even if mom said no. She was the most loving and caring woman and even though she passed away this past year she will always be in my thoughts and my heart.ess has always been an

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cristina,

    Thank you for sharing. I hope to see this kind of descriptive writing in your other responses to come. You tell us specifically who your grandmother is, you establish a claim and you make an assertion (Ex. She is probably the strongest woman I have ever known in my life. Most of her life she was beaten and verbally abused by my alcoholic grandfather.).
