Friday, October 29, 2010

Reflection of Task 3

Reflection of Task 3

I am having a hard time trying to decide what to write my essay on. In Sherry's , "In Praise of the F Word", she talks about how children should be held back if they don't pass. I agree, if a child doesn't try to do well in school, and they fail, that they should not pass. Our school system has become more into sports than the education the kids are getting. In turn I think the kids pick up on this, and they don't care about their education. My daughter failed everything for 4 years in a row, and the only thing they did was make her go to summer school, and then she would pass. After a couple years of that, she got used to not putting any effort in because she knew she would go to summer school and pass anyway. In Botstein's "Let Teenagers Try Adulthood", It is the same type of thing. I think if children don't care about their grades, or try at all they should be forced to move out and get a job. They need to pay their own bills, and see what it is really like in the "real world." I have a teenager that has dropped out of school, and doesn't care about anything but her friends. I think children need a major reality check, either get a good education and a good job, or forget the education and work crappy jobs where you barely make enough for your bills every month. As you can tell, I am a little bitter on the subject.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cristina,

    I know that you feel scattered about Task Three, but I think that you can easily connect the two. Technically you may feel like you have to speak from prior experience; however, from what you are going through recently, you may feel like writing about your daughter's experience and I'm certainly ok with that. After what I have read, I see a connection between Sherry and Botstein's essay. The first thing that I notice is the connection made with your daughter. The second thing I notice is that the connection is made with education. Why not use the two essays?

    Ms. C
