Monday, November 29, 2010

Literacy Autobiography

Growing up I don't remember ever being challenged to read or write much of anything. In school I did not do well but was passed regardless of my grades. I don't think I read any of my textbooks and didn't really care. No one was pushing me to succeed so I didn't. One year I wrote a poem that was published and I was very proud of that poem. After having children I knew I didn't want them to follow in my footsteps so I read to them every chance I had. They still do not understand the importance of reading, but I still try to get them to read. Now that I am in college my outlook has changed greatly, and I know that in order to succeed I need to read the textbooks along with anything else I can get hold of. I haven't been in college that long and I don't think my reading expectations are that bad; I am assured it will get worse as I go though. During English 100 I have learned a lot about reading and especially writing essays. I never thought I could write an essay anywhere near as well as I have this semester. I have learned to love writing and I am even thinking of starting a journal sometime soon. I have found writing to be very therapeutic with all the stresses in my life at this point. I do plan on writing more even though English is not my major and cannot wait to see what next semester brings.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cristina,

    I'm thrilled that you are thinking about beginning a journal. I hope that you do. I don't know if I have suggested before, but even writing for half an hour each day makes a difference. It becomes easier if you make it part of your routine. If it helps, I should follow my own advice. While I am an English major, and I do write daily, the writing I do is not for myself. As you suggest, it is therapy in a way. I'm not sure how or why, but perhaps, it is the reflective process. I'm sorry to hear that your children do not see the value or importance of reading. You are certainly not alone. It seems harder these days to get kids to read. I'm not certain why.

    Ms. C
