Thursday, November 18, 2010

Reflection on Reading and Writing

Before this course, I had not written anything more than an email or text in probably 15 years. I have been out of school much longer than most of the other students in my class. When I was in high school I was not a great student but, I used to love writing. I usually wrote poems that didn't amount to much more than me putting my feeling on paper, because I was too shy to say them out loud. In my seventh or eighth grade Spanish class we had a teacher that inspired us, so another girl and I wrote a poem about him that was published in a High School writer newspaper. As I got older and was out of school, life pretty much took over and I lost any free time to sit and read or write. Being in this class has showed me how much I used to enjoy writing and how therapeutic it can be. I have really enjoyed writing the essays we have had to write much more than I thought I would before the class started. I am starting to see why it is so important to be a good reader and writer. Sometimes the only way to get your point across to other people is to write it down. I have really enjoyed this class and it has been a great way for me to refresh my writing skills. I hope that English 104 is just as great and that I find some time to write my own things and not just papers for school.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Cristina,

    I'm glad that writing is something you are beginning to enjoy once again. I hope that English 104 will be a new journey for you, since we will be using different texts than what you are used to in 100. Writing can be healing for all of us. You should make it a priority to keep a journal. Write for a half hour each day if you can. It can be difficult, but the more you get yourself into a routine, the easier it will become.

    Ms. C
