Sunday, December 12, 2010

English 100 Evaluation

          As far back as I can remember I have not liked to read, until about nine years ago when I found a book series that I could not put down. Since then, I have discovered that I like to read about vampires, witches and other supernatural things, fiction or not. Anne Rice witch series was my first love of books and since then has grown to Patricia Briggs, Richelle Mead, and Stephanie Meyers among others.
          When I first started English 100, I was very nervous because I thought I was a horrible writer; however, I have started to enjoy writing as well as reading. I have found that writing can be very therapeutic in the very stressful life that I have. I have loved this class and looked forward to coming to every class. I do not remember ever really enjoying taking an English class until now.
          The blog has been very helpful in this class, because we can get answers more quickly than if we handed them in on paper. Not to mention it is easier to read than someone's handwriting. In addition, you can see the opinions of other people through their blogging entries. It is nice to see the opinions of others and the way that they write compared to your own.
          I cannot think of anything that I would change in the class other than maybe having everyone keep a daily class journal of what they learned that day. However, even that is not a necessity. I have enjoyed English 100 this semester and believe it to be an asset to anyone that is beginning to write.

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