Tuesday, April 5, 2011

"The Sex" and birth control

While reading this chapter, "If these Uterine Walls Could Talk" I became very upset at the fact that so many people are against the use of contraception.  To be honest, I had no clue that it was even an issue until we talked about it in class.  You would think that contraception would be a great thing considering it protects teens from things like pregnancy and STD's.  As a mother, I have always told my daughters that if they felt it were time for them to be on some kind of birth control to let me know and I will gladly take them to get it.  I guess now this makes me some horrible mother because I do not want my kids to end up pregnant at an early age as I did.  Wow, to think so many people are afraid of "The Sex" as Jessica Valenti says, just makes me laugh at them.  Those people have no idea what they are missing in their life.  Sex is not a bad thing, nor is it only to have children.  People in the early 1900's may have thought that but times have changed and apparently, some people need to catch up.  The fact that having premarital sex is against their religion is enough to piss me off!  I guess you must stay a virgin until you die if you never find the right person that you want to settle down and spend the rest of your life with.  It should not be up to someone else whether you can be on the pill or use any other form of birth control.  This should be your decision all by yourself and should not involve anyone else's feelings or religious beliefs.  While I personally could never have an abortion, I think that is something individual people should choose themselves.  If I were not able to care for the child myself, I would check into adoption since there are so many loving families that are not capable of having a child of their own.  Basically, it comes down to you are the one to take care of your body, so you should be the one to choose birth control, whatever your choice may be.

1 comment:

  1. HI Cristina,

    I couldn't agree more. Sadly, there are many who are attempting to limit abortion access, emergency contraception and birth control. It begins with legislation, which is why we (epescially young women) need to be informed of these bills that are being proposed. In many ways, it begins with the defunding of Planned Parenthood. By defunding Planned Parenthood, millions of women would not have access to these services including mammograms, pap smears, STD screening and treatment including cervical cancer screening and treatment.

    I encourage you to check out Mother Jones and www.feministing.com. These are news sites/blogs that are updated each day.

    Going back to Valenti, what does she have to say about the right? Why do they seek to limit access to these services? What is your analysis?
