Thursday, March 10, 2011

Why is it so hard to be happy anymore?

Being a mother of two teenage daughters and a nine year old son, I have seen my children's difficulties on a daily basis.  It seems no matter how well they seem to be doing one minute, the next minute could completely spin in the other direction.  I have decided to do my paper on depression since it seems more and more teenagers are on medications for this every day.  When I was growing up, things were so much easier, or so it seemed.  These days' children are bullied on a daily basis and it is harder from them to get away from it due to cell phones and social networking sites like Facebook, bebo, my yearbook or MySpace.  I used to be able to go home and get away from it since I was one of the children that got bullied in school, however it is not so easy anymore.  When children get depressed and they are taken to the doctor, they are usually put on a medication, which then gives the bully even more to tease the teen about.  Unfortunately, they are teased for anything from what they wear to who they hang out with.  Teens should instead have someone to stand up for them at the school, but teachers are afraid to do anything in fear of losing their jobs for saying the wrong thing.  Life is stressful enough when you add in jobs, bills, relationships, peer pressure, and the list just goes on; it is no wonder teens are beginning to become depressed at an earlier age.   


  1. Hi Cristina,

    I think that you have chosen an interesting topic. What you have here is certainly relevant to your topic. I like that you have identified today's depression affecting younger Americans. Today, many many many go to the doctor and receive medication for these problems. The argument that you may explore for this draft is the long term affects of these drugs. Do they actually help young Americans? What are the risks? I think what is interesting with medication is that many people do not realize that medication are short fixes. They may not help you in the long run. What do you think?

    Ms. C

  2. I agree that the medications are only short term. When people start to take these they are just so grateful that it is helping they don't stop to think that if they stop the medication their symptoms will come back. It is the same thing with ADD or ADHD meds. They are only helpful if you continue with them.

  3. Hi Cristina,

    I know from firsthand experience that medication, depending on the disorder or condition, can be effective. My younger brother, Aaron, has Tourette Syndrome and when he was on his meds, it worked. My younger brother, Alex, has ADHD and he is on medication. The medication doesn't cure it, because it isn't curable, but I know that it regulates it.

    Ms. C
